Tradeasia - Sodium Bicarbonate Suppliers
Tradeasia International as one of the global sodium bicarbonate suppliers provides you with quality products and services for your market and industry solution. See information about what is Sodium Bicarbonate and get the product in different grades, quantities, and packaging right now.
What is Sodium Bicarbonate
The chemical substance with the formula NaHCO3 is sodium bicarbonate, often known as sodium hydrogen carbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is a white, crystalline substance that frequently takes the form of a fine powder. It tastes somewhat alkaline and salty, like washing soda (sodium carbonate). Nahcolite is a type of natural mineral. It is dissolved in numerous mineral springs and is a part of the mineral natron.

Manufacturing Process

The Solvay technique is primarily used to manufacture sodium bicarbonate. The Solvay reaction occurs when water reacts with sodium chloride, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. The ammonia is separated from the ammonium chloride using calcium oxide, which is produced when calcium carbonate is utilized as a CO2 source. Low purity is evident in the product (75% ). Sodium carbonate, water, and carbon dioxide are combined to create a pure product. When carbon dioxide and sodium hydroxide aqueous solution interact, sodium bicarbonate can be produced. Sodium carbonate is the initial product of this process.
Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2 NaHCO3
Then, adding carbon dioxide to this reaction produces sodium bicarbonate.
Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O → 2 NaHCO3




Food & Baking Preparation
Sodium bicarbonate is primarily used as a leavening agent in baking. Sometimes, it is also used for green vegetables baking to give them a bright green color.

Personal Care Products & Medicines
Sodium bicarbonate aids in regulating an item’s acid-base balance to prevent spoilage in skin care and personal care goods like lotions and bath salts. Sodium bicarbonate found in toothpaste helps to eliminate stains from teeth. Due to its ability to balance unpleasant, acidic smells, it is also frequently used in deodorant.
Additionally, antacid medications that cure acid reflux and reduce heartburn contain sodium bicarbonate as an active component. It functions by immediately neutralizing stomach acid and momentarily easing acid reflux symptoms.

Cleaning Products & Solvents
In cleaning, washing, and degreasing products, sodium bicarbonate is a frequent ingredient. In cleaning solutions, vinegar and sodium bicarbonate can combine to form a solution that aids in clearing oven dirt and clogged drains. Grease or burnt residues can be removed quite well because of its light abrasiveness.
By raising the pH level of the water, which aids in removing dirt from fibers and produces fresher laundry, sodium bicarbonate’s chemical capabilities can also assist laundry detergent work more effectively.